Our School

  • Welcome to the Burkett Center! We are 麻花传媒 County's Multi-Handicapped Center. The Burkett Center serves approximately 160 students ages 3 through 21 years of age.

    We offer many areas of instruction and services are provided to the students at Burkett Center based on their Individual Educational Program (IEP).
    These services include:

    • Academics
    • Pre-Vocational Instruction
    • Self-Help Skills
    • Occupational Therapy
    • Physical Therapy
    • Speech/Language Therapy
    • Vision Therapy
    • Adaptive P.E.
    • Mobility Training
    • Community-Based Instruction
    • Transition Services
    • Agency Linkages
    • Daily Living Skills

    Students at the Burkett Center experience many of the same activities in their classes as their non-disabled peers. Instruction is provided individually and in small group settings. Our students' abilities are strengthened through participation in cognitive, communication, functional, social, self-help, fine motor and gross motor activities each day. Our older students participate in many of the same types of activities but they also participate in work/job skill training. Many students go out into neighboring communities for community-based instruction in real life settings.

    The Burkett Center Pre-K Program consists of four Special Education classes with the purpose of providing special education and related services to students with disabilities. A limited number of slots are reserved for typically developing preschoolers in order for the special education students to be exposed to typical development. All classes use current accepted instructional practices to facilitate child development and school readiness.

Exterior of Burkett Center